How I Made $1500/month From Template Sponsorship Two Years Ago

There are a lot of genuine ways to make money online. Three years back I am not a Web Designer, but I was into blogging for around 7 years. So initially I learned the basics of design and development by reading blogs and started experimenting what I have learned theoretically. After I learned to code a template I released a template (link to my first template) and surprisingly the response was overwhelming. The response for my first template encourage me to do more and eventually I ended up with template sponsorship.

Template sponsorship is not something I do these days, but I would say that’s the start of my web design career. Thanks to my friend Klodian from Deluxetemplates for introducing me into the world of “Template Sponsorship”.

template sponsorship

What is Template Sponsorship?

Well, the title itself has the meaning. Template Sponsorship is noting but selling the template footer links for a price. I started off with designing some Blogger templates (which is quite easy compared to WordPress) and posted my template under template sponsorship thread in Digital Point forums. I doubt how many of you actually know or use DP. For me I made some really good money using DP.

digital point forums - template sponsorship

How Template Sponsorship can change your life

$1500 may not be a big amount but two years back when I had no source of income from my blog; this is the only option left with me to start off my carrier in the world wide web. Initially my friend Klodian helped me with template sponsorship and later I got some clients who pays me every month for footer links. The cost of single link on my template goes from $25 to $30 per link with a total of 3 links for a template.

So whats the logic behind buying footer links?

Based upon my experience, many SEO firms buy footer links to promote their client’s websites. I am not so sure about the advantage and disadvantage of footer links – but it means to them in some way.

So my advice to all the novice web designer – If you want to make some quick dollars, template sponsorship is the best way to earn it genuinely. All you need is some good design and coding skills.

Link to one my thread which I posted two years back

I don’t like stretching this topic like a jelly. So visit Digital Point forums and take a look at how designer sells their templates. Almost all the designer follow a standard format for selling their themes. Good luck and let me know if you have any questions.

Some Tips

  • Making money through template sponsorship isn’t that easy as it looks to be. There are times your template won’t make good money from sponsors due to various reason. So always try to give your best design to impress the buyers.
  • Don’t charge more than $20/link initially
  • Try making good conversation with the buyers.

That it! Good Luck.

June 7, 2012. This entry was posted in WordPress and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink.

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